#111 - Tom Haugomat

About Tom Haugomat
With a start in animated films, it is no wonder that Tom’s work has a cinematic look and feel to it. His signature style is characterized by a strong sense of composition, a striking colour palette and an acute awareness of the power of negative space. His work is inspired by the colours and curves of nature, and with his mission of learning more about the Philadelphia Urban Forest Project, it will be exciting to see how he will be inspired for his artwork.

More work of Tom can be found on his Instagram: www.instagram.com/tomhaugomat

Destination: Philadelphia, United States

Philadelphia has everything that you want from a big American city, the buzz, the culture, the sports, but it also has that small-town charm. It's rich, and very well preserved American history is palpable when walking through the city. Philadelphia is also our home away from home. In collaboration with Paradigm Gallery we have a home away from home where we have hosted multiple exhibitions. For our next exhibition in 2025 we will be bringing Tom Haugomat to the city of Brotherly Love.




The Jaunt is the combination of the two best things in life: art and travel. We send contemporary artists on trips to create new experiences in a different environment. Because nothing is more inspiring than stepping out of your comfort zone.


With newly found inspiration and impressions from their trip, the artists create an artwork which we produce as a limited edition silkscreen print. You have the chance to pre-order the prints at sight unseen, before the artists go on their trip.


Take part in the inspiration process of our artists, and pre-order a print. Support the artists on their trip and receive updates through their travel diary. Once the artwork is finished you will receive your new artwork at home.


Explore our Print ArchivE

#076 - Seleka (Summer Camp, 2021)

10 Year Anniversary - Anna Valdez - Two birds

#047 - Ekta (Lisbon, Portugal)